Photo from open sources
Before ufologists could properly discuss on the web the pictures sent Rovers Curiosity, on which in the area of the cliffs of Murray Buttes they found two unidentified flying objects in the sky, as on you – new sensation. Now in the photos of the Mars rover wreckage of a spaceship.
A photo from open sources
Well, virtual archaeologists say, this is another proof that our solar system is under constant surveillance aliens from other worlds. Moreover, they are here for a long time and at the execution one mission or another even periodically crashes that proves not only the Roswell incident that occurred in the US in 1947, but also the current picture with a broken intergalactic apparatus.
Indeed, the subject captured in the image is impartial a rover, it doesn’t look like a stone – it’s something man-made. Here just whose and what? Some internet users even suggested that it was the wreckage of a secret probe once launched Soviet Union, moreover, an apparatus created by an alien drawings: after all, the USSR also shot down a UFO in 1948, which then was investigated in the secret bunker Kapustinogo Yar – Zhitkure.
A photo from open sources
But more and more online researchers are surprised by the fact that NASA specialists pierce for the second time in a row – not retouch obviously suspicious images that they used to certainly classified as secret, and therefore seriously worked on them before putting it on your site. Apparently doing assumption ufologists, affairs at the space research agency they are doing very badly – funding is being cut, they are leaving experienced staff …
A photo from open sources
Mars of the USSR �