A strange object between the sun and moon during solar eclipse

A photo from open sources

During the last total solar eclipse in 2012 the massive object was between the moon and the sun. Visually, an object more than Earth.

During observation from Earth, a solar eclipse occurs, when the moon moves between the sun and the earth, and the moon is full or partially blocks the sun. This can only happen when the sun and the moon is in conjunction when viewed from Earth. In November On 13-14, 2012, a total eclipse of the Sun was observed within the narrow a corridor that was in the southern hemisphere of the Earth. Within 3.1 hours the moon’s shadow moves along a path of approximately 14,500 kilometers and covers 0.46% of the Earth’s surface area.

The author of the video asks: Could this be an observation Nibiru? NASA rejects the idea of ​​Nibiru, and strive to informing the public that there is no threat to the Earth in 2012 year. What we observe in Tasmania, Patagonia and the Falkland islands as presented in this video?

Eclipse Time Moon Nibiru Sun

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