A strange phenomenon is found in the center of the Milky The way

A strange phenomenon is found in the center of the Milky WayPhoto from open sources

California astronomers (Los Angeles) recorded in Milky Way infrared light flash near supermassive black hole. According to the publication Science Alert.

Black hole Sagittarius A * (Sgr A *), located in the center The Milky Way exceeded its brightness by 75 times. As reported astronomers, usually the activity of this radio source is very weak and has small fluctuations in the radiation flux. Because of this milky The path is considered a galaxy with an inactive core.

At first, scientists thought the star was the source of the outbreak. S2, making a revolution Sgr A *, but then found out that the radiation came from the black hole itself.

Astronomers explain that black holes cannot emit light, since photons cannot leave boundaries called the horizon events. However, if the substance is absorbed in large quantities, then friction forces appear that cause radiation.

According to scientists, some object came too close to black hole, and there was a sharp increase in its brightness.

Astronomers believe the star S2 is the cause of the flare, which approached a black hole last year at a distance of 17 light hours. In a stream of gas going from a star to a black hole, changes occurred, and more material began to descend on it. Scientists intend to further monitor the process so that confirm your hypothesis.

Andrey Vetrov

Milky Way Black Hole

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