The new theory suggests that during the “hot” phase the history of our solar system, a wandering star has come close to the developing solar system and pulled our developing planets out of alignment with the solar equator. Photo from open sources According to astronomer Konstantin Batygin from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (Cambridge, Massachusetts) from the journal Nature, this theory explains the reason, because which the earth revolves around the sun at an angle of 7 degrees relative to the solar equator. Constantine’s theory indicates that young stars can develop in clusters, with matter disks, surrounding them, and are almost always distributed at the equator, being attracted by a nearby star. Further protoplanetary disks can be removed from equatorial orbit by a second star. He thinks that the rogue star is long gone, and is unlikely to return. In the journal Nature, Batygin writes that the existence of gaseous giant planets, whose orbits lie close to the host star (“hot Jupiter”), can be largely attributed to planetary migration, associated with the viscous evolution of protoplanetary nebulae. Recent observing the Rossiter – McLaughlin effect while passing planets, showed that significant fractions of hot Jupiter are on orbits that are offset with respect to the axis of rotation of the star – the owner. This observation casts doubt on the importance of manageability. drive migration as a mechanism for the occurrence of hot Jupiter. The geometric representation of the problem. These figures show a schematic representation of the occurrence of “jagged” nearby planets through disk-driven migration in binary systems. Adiabatic reaction of a self-gravitating disk to long-term disturbances of the stellar satellite lead to recession ascending node, as defined by the orbital plane star companion. Recession of the angular momentum vector of a disk relative to the angular momentum of a stellar binary orbital angular momentum seems to lead to a displacement of the angle between the axis rotation of the star and disk in the frame of reference of the star.
A photo from open sources
Batygin shows that jagged orbits can be natural consequence of disk migration in binary systems whose orbital plan does not correlate with the axis of rotation of individual stars. Gravity moments associated with the dynamic evolution of idealized protoplanetary disks due to disturbances of massive distant bodies, displace the orbital plane of the disk with respect to the rotating poles of the host star. As a result, Batygin suggested that in the absence of a strong connection between the angular momentum the disk and the host star, or sufficient dissipation, which acts to rebuild the stellar axis of rotation and orbits of the planets, the share of planetary systems (including systems of “hot Neptune” and “super-Earths”), whose angular momenta are biased relative to their native stars will be comparable to the level of the primary stellar sets. Artistic representation of dusty protoplanetary systems as planetary forms.
A photo from open sources Photo: Gemini / AURA Observatory Lynette Cook.
Inclination (angles between the planet’s orbit and stellar rotation) detected planetary orbits range from almost perfectly flat prograde to almost perfectly flat retrograde systems. Previous mismatches between the planet’s orbit and axis stellar rotation were attributed to post-nebular interactions several bodies In particular, Kozai cycles with tidal friction, planet-planet scattering, and chaotic secular reciprocating movements were proposed as methods the formation of a jagged planet. These mechanisms are probably responsible for a few specific examples (e.g. extreme the eccentricity of the HD80606b is almost always due to Kozai’s resonance with Star Companion HD806078). However, Batygin writes, it is unlikely what they can explain is jagged hot jupiters as a population. For example, the Kozai mechanism may be suppressed by forced apse precession in a multi-planetary system. Also within planet-planet dispersal and secular chaos allowed the range of parameters is limited, since the creation of near orbits requires a time frame for tidal capture significantly less than for the growth of eccentricity, which requires appropriate tidal heating, but small enough, not excessive so as not to blow the planet beyond its Roche lobe. “I think, that’s a very likely idea, “says Josh Wynn, an astronomer from Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge which measures the orbital inclinations of several hot Jupiters, – reports the journal Science onlline. “The best you can do is test the hypothesis. “If Batygin is right, says Wynn, then the warps should be just as common in solar systems that don’t have hot jupiter because tilting the disc does not require the presence of hot Jupiter. So far, NASA’s spaceship Kepler measured the inclination of only one multi-planetary system: three the planets around Kepler 30, each had an orbit that line up with the equator of their star. Future wynn plans to conduct observations in other multi-planet systems and check Batygin’s theory. Another multi-planetary solar the system has a known slope: our own. “I think that somewhere in the Milky Way, there is a star that is responsible for our slope, “says Batygin. He suspects that our sun there was once a companion star that pushed the sun the nebula at 7 °, and then disappeared from the scene, after how the planets came about. Quote from: Konstantin Batygin
Time Sun Solar System Evolution Jupiter