A wrecked ship discovered on Mars aliens

A Broken Alien Ship Discovered on MarsPhoto from open sources

Virtual archaeologists studying NASA imagery Mars, found on the surface of the Red Planet a mysterious object.

According to ufologists, we are talking about two hundred meters carrier ship that once crashed here and abandoned by its the crew. Specialists posted a fragment of a photo on the World Wide Web crashed flying saucer as well as processed in editor option snapshot clearly showing the likely contours interplanetary ship.

A photo from open sources

The alleged ship of representatives of extraterrestrial civilization located near Mount Elysius in Martian volcanic Tarsis region. A mysterious photograph was taken in 2000. American unmanned research station “Mars Global Surveyor, “launched in November 1996 and deemed lost in January 2007 Despite the fact that the device is already nine years old lost, his images of Mars still occupy the minds of ufologists from all over the earth. Researchers are convinced that on these images can hide thousands of curious details, disproving the common hypothesis that the Red Planet not populated by anyone.

It is noteworthy that the incomprehensible object in this photo was discovered back in 2000 by Steve Wingate – then employee American National Space Agency. Wingate replied for examining the Mars Global Surveyor pictures. Having noticed possible alien ship, expert decided to share his a find with web users, however the image was soon removed from NASA official website. Now the photograph is back surfaced on the Internet – however, this time the legendary anomaly was found already ufologists-lovers.

A photo from open sources

Skepticism of earthlings helps aliens to rule

Skeptical users believe that this is not wreckage of a spaceship, and natural stone formation. However, how then to explain its unusual rounded shape? Some commentators, by the way, suggest that the image is captured in the input into a certain base of aliens located below the surface of Mars. It’s a pity, to test all these hypotheses, mankind is not yet in condition.

However, on this score there is another hypothesis, for example, that colonies of reptilians and gray aliens have long been created on Mars, with whom earthlings collaborate in joint projects on colonization of the red planet. For example, he writes about this in his books a member of these expeditions Michael Relf, ​​great-granddaughter of the American President Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and many other witnesses. It’s just that all this is hidden from the general public, but the information this is easy to find on the internet, especially if you know English tongue.

It turns out that the wreckage of the wrecked ship on Mars is quite maybe, and NASA employees are well aware of this, another the matter is that it is important for them and other paid scientists to keep the main mass of earthlings in darkness and ignorance. Especially since it’s so easy since skepticism and the blindness of human consciousness, fear get out of their experience, play evil with each of us a joke …


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