Advanced alien civilizations can live in star clusters

Advanced alien civilizations can live in star clustersA photo from open sources

According to the conclusions of some astronomers, dense clusters of stars can be technically advanced habitats alien civilizations.

“It’s possible that globular star clusters are a place habitats of very old and highly developed civilizations, “said Rosanne Di Stefano of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics at holding a conference of the American Astronomical Society.

The Milky Way Galaxy consists of at least 150 spherical clusters whose age reaches 10 billion years. In each such a cluster contains a huge number of stars of various sizes and shapes. But today in the spherical region only the only exoplanet Methuselah was found revolves around a large pulsar.

The planet deficiency is explained by their gravitational interaction with a dense cluster of stars, as a result of which celestial bodies do not tied to one particular luminary, and freely sent on an intergalactic journey. Spherical stars are known clusters do not contain a lot of metals, therefore the probability of the existence of large planets is simply ruled out.

Still, rocky exoplanets were found in the orbit of one a large star with a minimum percentage of metals in its composition. Given this, astronomers believe that large planets are indeed can exist near other stars, it’s just difficult detect due to the huge cluster of space objects.

If there really are planets in globular clusters, then it is possible that they are in a safe and supportive an environment where life can exist. Even the fact that the surroundings such objects are filled with other cosmic bodies, not at all affects the calm life of the planet, because most of the nearby stars very small and “calm”. After their death they do not colossal emissions of hot gas and do not turn into supernovae.

A planet that forms in a globular star cluster, can be of great age, which suggests the possible the existence of life on it. In addition, for steel time on such planets could have developed highly developed civilization.

If you send a message from Earth at light speed, it will pass about four years, until it reaches Alpha Centauri – the closest star system. However, in globular clusters for the like travel will only take a few months.

Exoplanet Life

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