Aerospace troops prepare for repel an attack from space

Aerospace troops are preparing to repel an attack from spaceA photo from open sources

As the commander of the fifth brigade of the aerospace Defense (EKR) Colonel Eduard Sigaev – his brigade defending Moscow and the Moscow Economic Zone, is in constant combat readiness to repel a possible attack from space.

Given that today no country in the world possesses weapons capable of attacking Russia from space – some experts suggested that Russian troops aerospace defense is preparing to repel a possible attack UFO.

For example, the website of Alexander Barkashov recalled that back in 2008, during the US presidential election, three candidates promised “finally deal with UFOs” and even “begin preparations to repel aggression from outer space, “the portal writes “Press Business”.

As you know, one or another election campaign is called upon attract the attention of as many potential voters, and the candidates themselves speak only about the problems that in the current situation they will be provided with an overwhelming number of votes. Speech it is about those problems that unite all voters and in the greatest concern for the whole society is the work of sociologists and analysts. It is these problems that the election campaign is focused on. campaign, and it is on them that the candidate must give an adequate answer.

It is worth noting the anxiety and relevance of the “UFO problem” in American society since three US presidential candidates paid her special attention against the background of psychologically prevailing financial and economic crisis. Obviously, this problem much more important.

Returning to today’s statement of the fifth brigade commander aerospace defense (EKO) Colonel Eduard Sigaev, the author notes that it has now officially become known that Russian authorities conduct similar preparations for “reflection” aggression from space. ”

As an answer to the question “What is a UFO?” – the portal refers to materials of the conference of Alexander Barkashov from 2009, in which he, in particular, points out: “I do not want to seem trite, I just I know that. What you all call “UFOs” and, as already recognized military and scientists against whom any is absolutely powerless human technology, and which fly no longer one by one, two or three in a month in different parts of the world, and already fly at 40, 100 and more – this is the Lord’s Forces, there is a lot of evidence to that, including in Orthodox iconography, and in the same Old Testament. Such icons of ancient writing – several dozen. As an example, we can give you images of the icon “Crucifixion” of the Serbian Orthodox Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo, Yugoslavia (fresco created around 1350), “writes Alexander Barkashov.” This is the most important thing that hide the authorities of all leading powers from all nations. Forces of God can not only arrange global earthquakes, erasing all evil, global climate change … But the day will come when they, fulfilling the Will of God, will simply cleanse with fire, and even different another range of exposure to the Earth from all unclean. And will begin from Russia because here is the foot of the Throne of the Lord, “- continues the author. “And to make it clear to you, as you can see that you a dark man in matters of Faith, I will give you and explain the main and the only Orthodox prayer that Jesus Christ himself gave The Son of God: “Our Father, Thou art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, yes Your kingdom will come … “. Here on this line I will stop your attention and explain that, when pronouncing this line, the reader asks Lord about the coming of His Kingdom into this world. Well, since Lord on the throne of heaven, his kingdom will descend to the foot Him, which He Himself is entitled to choose, for He created both the Earth and people. And only He has the right to decide and choose. And He chose with his foot Russia, as reported by our Orthodox Saints, and our people – the guardian of the foot of the throne of the Lord. And since everything is unclean must be removed so that the Forces go ahead of the Lord in Glory. Since the space of the kingdom of heaven is not, in all relations, the space of this world, the combination of these spaces will cause the elimination of all superfluous in the space of this world and unimaginably change the very essence of this world “, – emphasizes Alexander Barkashov. “Which of the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church will tell you such a truth about very near future? After all, everything I told you is deep canonically. I can only add that you read Our Father, but they didn’t read it for reporting, but with heart and soul. And if you call Kingdom, then call him sincerely and with soul, and not so, a little wiggle all the previous global shocks. Here you and Vera. He who conquers everything and inherits everything. This applies not only of this world, but also of what the Heavenly Father has. And He created everything. Is this not enough for you? “, – the end of the quote.

Portals Russia USA

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