Africa joins space race

Africa has joined the space racePhotos from open sources of

Africa has become the last continent (apart from empty Antarctica), connected to the international space race. Till her achievements in this area are very modest, but the first step in the right direction was, as they say, done. First african the satellite, called “GhanaSat-1”, was launched on Earth orbit on Monday, August 7th.

The ultra-small cubic apparatus was developed by a team of specialists from the University of All Nations in the Ghanaian city of Koforidua. Significant the contribution to the creation of the satellite was made by invited Japanese engineers. The project took about two years from the researchers, while the cost was only 50 thousand dollars. In June, the device delivered to NASA’s International Space Center, and into orbit brought the American private company “SpaceX”.

A photo from open sources

The authors report that “GhanaSat-1” faces two main tasks. First of all, the satellite will monitor Ghana’s coast via integrated cameras. Secondarily The project pursues educational goals. Africans are planning use the information received by the device to educate children in schools. The device has already sent a signal to Earth from space, which talks about the complete success of the launch.

Naturally, the tiny Ghanaian companion does not look at all impressive compared to space achievements of other countries. However, for residents of the West African state the launch “GhanaSat-1” is truly of great importance and is considered an event. of great importance and even national pride, especially given that scientists did not receive any support from the government. However, next year, Ghana will launch a second satellite, already at state assistance.


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