Photo from open sources
Recently, there have been many people who daily spend hours exploring numerous images of Mars, provided by the American space agency.
Individuals from all over the Earth are trying to find on materials NASA evidence of the existence of past or present life on Red planet. So, most recently, online archaeologists reported that among the Martian rocks lie the remains of an amazing alien dinosaur-like reptiles. Photo that attracted close researchers’ attention was transferred last month to Earth scientific laboratory “Curiosity”.
In one of the pictures taken by the radio-controlled device near the Martian crater Gail, earthlings discovered something very reminiscent of the skeleton of a giant reptile. Specialists considered that “Curiosity” captured the bones of a certain Martian creatures long dead there. According to the researchers, if enlarge image, you can clearly see an elongated skull with eye sockets and lower jaw, as well as a curved long ridge animal.
A photo from open sources
The hypothesis is that these may be the remains of a monster, who lived with his relatives on Mars for millennia back and died of an unknown cataclysm, just like our dinosaurs. There is also a less popular theory that it is the skeleton terrestrial raptor, somehow incomprehensibly moving to distant planet.
To get the sharpest picture possible, experts cut out from the NASA photograph the necessary fragment and processed it special program. Additional coloring allowed demonstrate to the public the discovered skeleton in its entirety beauty. Researchers sure this is one of the most impressive finds made on the Red Planet. Authors of the work have already sent the results of his research at the american office for space exploration and look forward to hearing. Nonetheless, it can be assumed that if NASA representatives comment the remains of the martian reptile will then do so with their characteristic skepticism.
A photo from open sources
According to NASA’s official position regarding such findings, these are just bizarre forms created on Mars thanks erosion of rocks. The so-called para-idol illusion is to blame: the human brain forms images, the basis of which are details of real objects known to us. With the same success as Americans are trying to convince us, you can consider the pictures some earthly desert, looking for dinosaurs, aliens there and other creatures. However, in such explanations of orthodox scholars no one believes for a long time …
Dinosaurs Mars NASA