Alien spaceship on an asteroid Lutetia

Alien spaceship on the asteroid LutetiusA photo from open sources

Despite the fact that the most interesting “space gifts” NASA throws up at ufologists, sometimes in European shots ESA space agency meticulous virtual archaeologists how their dubbed on the Web, looking for something surprising and mysterious. Exactly such surprises gave ufologists pictures from an asteroid Lutetium.

The asteroid Lutetia was discovered on November 15, 1852 by a Parisian Herman Goldschmidt and so named in honor of the former (old) name of the capital of France. And so on July 10, 2010 the space probe Rosetta launched by the European Space Agency to the comet Churyumova-Gerasimenko, flew past this same Lutetia and made with distances of only 3160 kilometers of the order of five hundred pictures asteroid – with a fairly high resolution.

A photo from open sources

Just say that ESA employees do no better teams of the American space agency, and therefore carefully checked the photo by strictly censoring to ensure that God forbid, something came into view of the general public transcending the orthodox notion of a distant space.

However, ufologists, as they say, are not born with a bast. Looking already Strictly Censored Pictures Using Color filters, they recently discovered on one of them very mysterious an object. For natural origin, it is too “technical”, that is, has a body elongated along the axis with a length of the order of seventy kilometers – and the complete absence of right angles.

Virtual archaeologists are sure that this is a giant alien a ship that “hides” in the asteroid belt. Ufologists only it’s not clear why European experts, following the Yankees, begin to play with the public, hiding from it the truth about space exploration? Indeed, ESA probably has more high-quality pictures of this fantastic object that they just not posted on the Internet …

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