Ancient Chebarkul stormed for order, but did not become greedy – issued from the bottom a large fragment of a cosmic body, so unexpectedly glorified the South Urals.
Interest in the topic of “alien” received an additional impetus. Again showers of scientists rained down, bringing us back to those February the days when broken glass fell on the shocked Chelyabinsk and world fame. In this regard, the correspondent of “Evening” met with one of the eyewitnesses of the visit of the “guest” Vyacheslav Bakin.
This is his picture of the meteorite track first published “Russian newspaper”. And let colleagues in a hurry did not put him surname, Vyacheslav Konstantinovich is not offended.
“Little things,” he says, “but the lies of the“ academics ”have already made me infuriates! Stop lying to us about the meteorite! About the fact that he flew with side of Kazakhstan that he fell. It’s funny that in NASA the body was determined by the size of only 16 meters.
A photo from open sources
Photos from open sources
Vyacheslav Bakin’s desk today is littered with clippings of newspapers. Apparently, Vyacheslav Konstantinovich intently, painstakingly conducts a “meteorite” dossier. His particular partiality is not on the empty place. First, astronomy is his love that never lets go since youth. Throughout life, looks into the starry sky with a telescope and spyglass.
Secondly, Bakin from that famous cohort of photographers that came out from the legendary Chelyabinsk photo club. And that means that complex the relationship of optics with reality is not known to him by hearsay. And finally, thirdly, he is a meticulous techie who lucky to be an eyewitness to a cosmic event. As the saying goes, here it is agreed.
A miracle happened
Peering into the large panoramic shot that is required unfold like a scroll. On it, the author’s hand marks the date and time: 02/15/2013, 9 hours 23 minutes 23 seconds.
“This is a view from the ministerial window in the first seconds,” explains Baku, pacing the office. – I clicked, began to rearrange camera to make a video, and then the shock wave came. A pop that looked like an explosion was heard by everyone. Apparently, the object overcame a speed of 1200 kilometers per hour somewhere at a distance of 50 kilometers, and the shock wave came here after two and a half seconds. The flash impression was strong. I burned light bulbs – they faded when a glow in the sky suddenly began. I run to the window and see the flight of a bright body, going exactly on course west. Sergey Sikharulidze also saw the last stage of the flight of the body, which melted away like in a science fiction movie. Well, okay, the speed is huge. It took a third of a second. Let’s go back to the facts that Baku has collected and which most adhere to responsible commentators. Space body size, according to version Baku, up to 300 meters in diameter, flew to the Earth from the side Of the sun. And this weighty “cobblestone” at great speed struck the atmosphere, forming a shock wave that reached of our city in 2 minutes 40 seconds. This is recorded ministerial registrars. The red-hot body swept along with northeast to southwest and popped back into outer space, decently burned and losing part of its mass. Therefore all talk that the “meteorite fell” cannot be taken seriously. Drop this thing, we would not get off with broken glasses and bursting membranes in the ears. And it’s really a miracle that the “guest” conquered with gravity and broke free. Isn’t it a miracle that fleeting meeting with the merciless space “alien” cost without victims? A neat hole in the glass with a thickness of two and a half millimeter made by one of the millions of fragments makes think about it. Look at the photo taken by Vyacheslav Bakin in the management of architecture. The window stood for a long time “shot through.” There is a version that such holes on the roofs Chelyabinsk – millions. So, making calculations with all known data, Bakin concluded that a body with a volume of four million cubic meters and weighing up to nine million tons. Where to headed “alien”, whose wreckage has already gone to scientists, while question. And if he returns with an “amendment” of his orbit? Astronomers while silent, mistakenly believing that “a meteorite flopped in Chebarkul. “However, this is only a splinter. And, according to eyewitnesses, such large fragments, like Chebarkul, should be sought under Selezyan, where residents saw at least three scattered in different side. And teased us with a red tail
By the way, how to name the space “guest”? Since how they stopped studying astronomy at school, our dense consciousness completely confused in all these “asteroids” and “fireballs”.
– When an object flies outside the Earth, it’s an asteroid (similar star) or a car that is not visible from the ground, – says Bakin. – When a car enters our atmosphere, it automatically turns into a meteoroid. These February days I drove aside Selezyan. And there he was simply puzzled by the view of a flat snow field. On the in an enormous space, an unknown person threw identical lumps snow. He stopped, began to pick them – but found nothing. Never I have not seen such a phenomenon.
And academics “finished off” me when they began to say that “meteorite exploded over Chelyabinsk. “And only Velikhov reasonably said:” Over Chelyabinsk flew a meteorite. “And people took the shock wave for meteorite explosion.
Found this week a stone in Lake Chebarkul
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
And Vyacheslav Konstantinovich begins to explain to me how to measure the distance “with the fingernail”: at a distance of 40 kilometers, the object of observation, equal to the width of the nail, will be 300 meters.
– A flying meteorite occupied only a third of the nail, – says Baku, but at a distance of about 80 kilometers. It turns out the diameter The facility amounted to 200 meters. From here it is easy to calculate the mass.
The red trail of a meteoroid in a clear sky was seen not only above Chelyabinsk, but in the Shumikhinsky district of the Kurgan region. What are its size? Calculations show that with a width of five to seven kilometers “tail” stretched as much as 200 kilometers. Therefore so there were many witnesses to the phenomenon. And here is the car dvrs distorted the picture. Wide-angle optics are known to round edges of the image. Therefore, the trace of the meteoroid in their record repeats the radius of the Earth and does not show a direct flight and departure in space. Hence the error – fell!
The space object had an irregular shape. Rotated clockwise arrow and initially glowed, according to eyewitnesses in The hype, red-yellow light. “Guest” flew 200 kilometers in 8 – 9 seconds at a speed of 22 – 25 kilometers per second, leaving a mark at an altitude of 20 kilometers!
“At first, like everyone else, I believed,” Bakin admits, “that the object flew low and his train was short. It seemed that shock a wave formed over Chelyabinsk. But the facts made me take a look in a new way.
So, it passed. He flew away, but what did he “promise”? Damn I wonder where he wears it now.