Aliens blew up something huge in space?

Aliens blew up something huge in space?Photo from open sources

Catastrophic events in space quite often catches the eye of astrologers and scientists. However, sometimes in billions of light years from us happen incidents that people documents extremely rarely.

And one of these incidents occurred recently, being fixed by american space x-ray Chandra Observatory. The telescope suddenly captured on one of snapshots of a mysterious flash.

According to NASA experts, this is a completely new type cataclysmic events that have never been observed before our civilization. Employees of american national space agency spotted 10.7 billion light-years from Earth’s most powerful outbreak, which appeared completely out of nowhere and just as suddenly went out, as if in the depths of space once there was a huge explosion. NASA experts can not yet answer the question of what caused this outbreak, however civil astronomers have already suggested that this message to us from aliens.

According to the Americans, a mysterious outbreak managed to become in a thousand times brighter in a couple of hours, and then went out without a trace. Referring to earlier data from the Hubble and “Spitzer,” the researchers concluded that light came from a small galaxy located, as mentioned above, at 10.7 billions of light years from us. The light source was apparently a thousand times more powerful than all the stars in this galaxy.

A photo from open sources

After analyzing the information received, scientists put forward four theories. According to one of them, the outbreak was the result collisions of two massive stars. Another hypothesis is that a neutron star merged with another neutron star or same with a black hole. If you believe the third theory, then everything was the fault powerful gamma-ray burst. And finally, the fourth hypothesis is such that the flash caused a medium-sized black hole that destroyed the star like a white dwarf.

Argentine astrophysicist Ezekiel Treister of the Papal Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro claims no of theories presented by NASA does not fully comply reality, and therefore you should understand the issue more more thoroughly. Treister does not hide the fact that he is a creationist and suggests that the outbreak was caused precisely by representatives extraterrestrial civilization. But why? Maybe aliens have happened once upon a time (recall that light from such a huge distance comes to Earth for a very long time) war? Or “green men” really sent a message 10.7 billion years ago other living things in the universe? ..

NASA Galaxy Black Hole

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