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Vladimir Koval is a popular domestic astronomer and an alternative researcher who is constantly struggling with the routine views of orthodoxy from science, – put forward quite a curious theory regarding the origin of the moon.
A progressive scientist, widely known in the scientific community of Russia, suggests that the Earth’s natural satellite is a kind of a “present” for earthlings, and its donors are none other than representatives of a civilization unknown to us, that is aliens.
In support of his hypothesis, the specialist cites the dimensions and Selena’s position relative to our “blue ball”. According to Koval, the satellite’s diameter and its distance from the Earth are such that in During solar eclipses, the lunar disk completely covers the Sun. Vladimir Ivanovich is convinced that this cannot be an accident, and all parameters were carefully calculated by someone. But just by whom? Probably aliens, the astronomer concludes.
A photo from open sources
Moreover, the expert notes that the phases of the moon have an unshakable periodicity, thereby allowing you to use the closest to us the celestial body as a cosmic chronometer, and also make up on it astronomical calendars. The size of Selena is a quarter of the dimensions of the Earth. It is, in fact, full and relatively a large planet, and therefore it is unlikely that it was in orbit homeland of mankind due to an accidental collision. Moon possesses many other parameters that are simply not fit into the concept of “randomness” – here rather clearly thought out patterns, artificial mechanism with well-calibrated data.
Koval believes the moon is legendary lost planet phaeton. Phaeton, according to scientists, should be located between Mars and Jupiter, but it is not there. World astronomers attributed its disappearance to an explosion, as a result of whose asteroid belt appeared between the fourth and fifth the planets of our system. However, the total mass of these asteroids, according to Vladimir Ivanovich, too small for the Phaeton, and where did the rest?
Russian puts forward the assumption that two to three billion years back the aliens “towed” the Phaeton (or part of it) to the Earth and “parked” next to it, creating the Earth-Moon system. Maybe, they did it just so that on our planet life and, ultimately, civilization arose.
Moon Russia