A photo from open sources
The Voyager 2 spacecraft was launched by the Americans in August 1977 to explore the distant planets of the Solar system. In January 1986, an aircraft reached Uranus, and in August 1989 – Neptune. According to NASA scientists, now their brainchild is located about fifteen billion kilometers from Of the earth. And something inexplicable happens to the device …
Representatives of the American National Space Agency made an amazing statement. According to their words, Voyager 2 for some reason, he suddenly changed the encoding sent to them our planet of messages. Scientists are convinced that by itself the space wanderer could not change the signal code. Many ufologists, hearing this, they immediately assumed that the device was caught representatives of a certain extraterrestrial civilization, and at the moment aliens send us encrypted messages.
Astrophysicist Kevin Baines has been with NASA for over thirty years, says that “Voyager 2” as if spontaneously became send data in a language that scientists still cannot understand. By nevertheless, he simply could not have done it himself. Thus, Baines admits that someone has changed the probe’s communication system. However who able to do this in outer space? Obviously not American astronauts.
A photo from open sources
The analysis of messages transmitted by the device shows that in binary system used by the probe to communicate with earthlings, zero has been replaced by one. It is possible that such an amendment binary code is a kind of answer for the inhabitants of our planets – the answer to the question that has always tormented us, are we alone in The universe. After all, if someone managed to reprogram “Voyager 2” outside the Earth, then the aliens are still exist.
Although some NASA employees are prophesying a sensation, agency management made a completely unimpressive official statement. According to this statement, no new language Voyager 2 is not learned, but instead changed the probe in the code the next message is one single zero. At the same time blame supposedly everything needs a malfunction of the device, but certainly not aliens. Experts have allegedly rebooted the on-board computer the probe does not continue to expect such surprises from him.
Or maybe we live in a matrix?
Ufologists, of course, the skepticism of scientists is not particularly believe.
The signal from Voyager 2 to Earth and vice versa reaches approximately seventeen hours. The spacecraft receives energy from thermoelectric radioisotope generators that operate on plutonium-238. Electricity generated by them the probe should last another nine years of operation.
It is noteworthy that, according to experts, Voyager 2 should was long off the solar system and fly into the interstellar space, but for some reason this did not happen. At a certain the period of the year the probe is even approaching the Earth, since our planet revolves around the Sun faster than the apparatus moves away from the star. And this is another mystery that many researchers regarded as evidence that we live in a matrix that no infinite universe around us simply does not exist, and Launched in this “infinity” apparatus “Voyager-2” demonstrates the above failures for the simple reason that it does not fit into our view of space …
Universe Life in a NASA Matrix Solar System