Americans can send into space human dead body

Americans can send a human corpse into spaceA photo from open sources

Professor Harry King, working at the University of Louisiana, turned to NASA with a very unusual proposal. Scientist advised his colleagues from the american national aerospace agency send outside the earth dead person.

King is convinced that the numerous bacteria contained in the corpse, can contribute to the birth of biological life (like Earth) on other planets, and someday earthlings will be able to to colonize these distant celestial bodies.

The scientist and his subordinates concluded that the biomaterial will need to be placed in a special tight suit, where the remains will cease to decompose. Corpse temperature should be around zero centigrade. According to King, any dead person for this purpose is not will do. You need the body of a person who possessed during life excellent health. This means that scientists will need a body. young Homo Sapiens killed in a miserable case.

A photo from open sources

Of course, such a load will have to overcome a significant distance without colliding with various space objects, including the sun. If somewhere there is a planet suitable for the birth of life, and the corpse of an earthling will fall on it, then you can hope that after many billions or at least millions of years there an intelligent civilization like ours will appear.

The chances of implementing this idea, of course, are very few. At first, planets where there are conditions for the development of complex molecules, there’s not so much Earth nearby. There is no guarantee that the corpse will not will fall on a heavenly body unsuitable for evolution, where it lies for ages, never having generated a spark of life there. Secondly it will be a very expensive project since an unmanned ship with the body will have to send outside the solar system. And finally most likely, humanity may simply not live to see the moment when the first complex organisms.

A life

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