Americans groundlessly declared the moon their territory

The Americans groundlessly declared the moon their territoryA photo from open sources

The US Presidential Administration recently released a very curious paper on the protection of artifacts left on the lunar surface in Apollo missions, according to which other states In the case of a flight to Selena, the lands must coordinate all their action with the leadership of the United States.

The document states that the United States has full jurisdiction over relative to equipment that remains on the moon, so others states can harm him. And so that this is not happened, they must coordinate their actions with the American side. And only with the consent of the United States to do anything in the territory The moon.

From a legal point of view, the United States by this strange document practically declared the moon their territory, and announced completely unreasonable. First, the Outer Space Treaty space “of 1967 to which the administration refers Trump, although it prescribes to preserve intact Apollo’s lunar objects, does not give Americans the right to dictate to other states, how and where to fly, while the Moon continues be considered no man’s land not a single country. Secondly, today only a small child has not yet it’s clear that the Americans (these great hoaxers) never flew to the moon, and therefore, if there is any equipment on it, then this equipment of the USSR, i.e. Russia, left from unmanned lunar missions of the Soviet Union.

By the way, Trump recently signed a new directive. US space policy, which provides for the conquest of planets The solar system and primarily the return of the Americans to The moon. It looks like a curious document on the protection of mission artifacts Apollo followed this presidential directive to remind earthlings that the Americans still flew to the moon, and even in this is practically no one believes. True, they will be able to convince except perhaps their illiterate fellow citizens-patriots, and even that I think, by no means everyone …

Ancient artifacts moon Russia USSR USA

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