Americans, it turns out, brought from the moon of the earth priming

The Americans, it turns out, brought earth from the moonA photo from open sources

The lunar soil that the Americans after the Apollo mission is pretty generously gave away to governments various friendly with them countries, and then hastily demanded him back when it turned out suddenly (scientists got to him) that this is the most ordinary earthly rock (at best – meteorite), still continues to excite independent researchers. Or maybe not only them …

Another stuffing of such “spicy” information on the Internet happened just the other day. It is all presented like this: scientists, supposedly carefully examined the sample of lunar soil No. 14321, delivered to Earth in 1971 by the Apollo 14 crew, and they came to interesting conclusions.

As it turned out, this is an alloy of terrestrial rock formed about 4 billion years ago. It has zircon grains, formed in a rich oxygen environment and at too high temperature and pressure for Selena, not to mention earth quartz, which is found in this mineral.

One of the members of the research team, a scientist at the Swedish Museum of natural sciences A. Nemchin suggests that this mineral was formed on Earth, and then somehow, say, as part of a meteorite, hit the moon. Other researchers agree with his findings, only modestly clarifying that the origin of the lunar rock sample No. 14321 remains a mystery.

Indeed, users of the World Wide Web pick up how The mysteries of the flights to the moon of the Americans remain a mystery. How much evidence that they didn’t fly anywhere, so no, Americans they do not want to admit this hoax in any way. But such space “records” were generally impossible in the seventies last century, even today no country in the world is ready for manned flight to the moon, how did it happen half a century back?

A photo from open sources

A new “sensation” suddenly presents all this in a very interesting aspect, as if someone wants to convince the world of reality again American lunar missions have passed centuries. But at the same time presented the evidence is again sewn with white thread, independents say Researchers and conspiracy theorists:

  • first, is it not more logical to assume that this sample taken in some earthly career than on the moon, why build such complex conclusions – the earth’s soil somehow miraculously fell on The moon;
  • secondly, if this is so, then how are the Americans managed to find the earthly soil on the Moon, because this is one chance from a trillion that only a madman can believe in;
  • and finally why half a century later, scientists suddenly turned again to study the “lunar soil” of the United States, although it is already dozens of times checked and proved every time (including Russian scientists), that he is not moonlight. To whom and why is it suddenly was required?

Please note that officials (proposed video in this regard is no exception) emphasize that speculative speculation about whether the Americans flew to the moon or not, consider it’s not even worth it. And why, in fact, is not worth it? ..


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