An example of how Starlink satellites spoil astrophotographs

An example of how Starlink satellites spoil astrophotography.A photo from open sources / David Blanchard /

David Blanchard of Flagstaff, Arizona decided to capture the conjunction of Venus and Uranus in the constellation Aries 4 March, but together with the planets the sudden “star bombardment”.

“During the exposure, half a dozen Internet satellites Starlink flying between the planets. At least one satellite flashed and for a short time became one of the brightest objects on the sky – only the Moon, Venus and, possibly, Sirius were brighter than him, “- noted by the photographer.

SpaceX recently launched 300 Starlink satellites, and in in the coming years, their number may grow to 42,000. SpaceX attempts reduce the brightness of their devices in the night sky for now unsuccessful.

A source

Venus Time SpaceX

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