Photos from open sources of
Scientists at Utrecht University, having carefully studied Martian images taken with the MRO spacecraft came to to the conclusion that there was water on the Red Planet at one time, and quite assume the same biological life as on The earth.
Researchers found in the pictures of the source crater characteristic relief for ravines, which clearly flowed streams of water or wet soil containing more than sixty percent of the water mass. It is possible that the moisture brought here by clouds from the poles, and they fell out in these middle latitudes in the form of ordinary rain.
A photo from open sources
That is, figuratively speaking, apple trees also blossomed on Mars. And by space standards, it was only recently – in total a million years ago. It was then that rivers flowed over the surface of Mars, there were seas and lakes, well, everything that could accompany the presence of planet of water. Note that scientists from many countries of the world are more and more find evidence that the Red Planet once had rivers and lakes filled with exactly the same water as we have on The earth.
True, at that time the axis of Mars was tilted quite differently, which gives scientists reason to believe that the Red Planet survived a huge catastrophe, as a result of which everything has changed here, in including, perhaps, biological life has perished.
There are indirect evidence that once on Mars was intelligent life, moreover, that it is still there, only “hidden” deep beneath the surface. True, these are all visions. psychics and mediums, recollections from past lives of some indigo children, and so on, that is, information that cannot be verify nor refute. But maybe before meeting with the Martians just a bit left? ..
Water Time Life Mars