Photo from open sources
The most powerful Hubble telescope on the planet recently managed to make Composite photo of the Andromeda galaxy. This is the most high-quality image of a spiral galaxy, its resolution is one and a half billion pixels, and the photo weighs more than four “hectares”.
Due to the fact that Hubble is able to distinguish more than one hundred million stars of Andromeda, stretching for sixty light years, the photo turned out to be very high quality, especially since it is a composite image (more than seven thousand compositions shot from four hundred angles).
This unique shooting can be compared to photographing individual grains of sand on the beach, provided that you need one photo to place the entire beach space. There is one more difficulty: Andromeda galaxy is two million years away from Earth.
If you look at the photo you can see on the left the edge of its center of a spiral galaxy (in the form of egg yellow), in the middle are star clusters, and bluish formations on the right, in the form of rings, these are new stars.
If you want to see the animated version of the resulting image that allows you to experience a truly gigantic the size of this galactic structure, turn on the video.