Another Arrives in the Solar System alien

Another Arrived in the Solar SystemPhoto from open sources

Many probably remember the Oumuamua object, which in 2017 discovered by astronomers. However, due to its late discovery, scientists are not managed to study the space guest in more detail. Object so left the solar system, leaving researchers with many questions. AND six months later, another interstellar wanderer was discovered, which astronomers will try to study in more detail.

This object, labeled C / 2019 Q4 (Borisov), is listed in database of small bodies with a note – “hyperbolic comet”. it means that the object does not revolve around our luminary, but simply will pass by him and leave the solar system forever.

A photo from open sources

In the photo you can observe the movement of the space guest.

This object was spotted at the end of August 2019. amateur astronomer Gennady Borisov from his own Observatory located in Crimea. Harvard-Smithsonian scientists Center of Astrophysics confirmed the hyperbolic trajectory of this object.

Discovered “alien” has some advantages over sensational last year “Oumuamua”:

  • the object is six times brighter than the previous guest and has a good a distinctive tail, which will allow scientists to better study it and even determine the chemical composition. Alien tail has a length about 10 kilometers, which, according to scientists, should increase as you approach the sun.
  • “alien” is discovered at the entrance to the solar system when both Oumuamua was already seen at the exit from it.
  • the object will pass 10 million kilometers from the Sun by December 10 2019, and then, moving away from it, almost half a year will be be within sight of astronomers.

According to the observations of some astronomers, similar space guests visit the solar system every few years. Others researchers believe that in the vicinity of the solar system in any a moment in time is at least one such object. The problem is, that modern telescopes are not yet able to notice small and fast objects.

ESOREITER previously wrote about what astronomers have discovered. asteroid chameleon.

Andrey Vetrov

Sun solar system

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