A photo from open sources
Associate professors at Australian National University have researched the composition of the soil of the ocean floor and came to interesting conclusions completely refuting the theory, which for many years was considered not subject to questioned among scientists. Gold, silver, potassium, iodine, iron, lead, plutonium and uranium, as well as radioactive Actinides, moving across the galaxy, settle on the surface of the planets. So they were brought from space and to Earth.
Researchers determined the percentage of heavy elements that were previously thought to be at the bottom after the explosion supernova stars. However, it turned out that in the soil of the oceans contains a hundred times less than the same plutonium and uranium than can be was to expect. This proves that supernova explosions, sputtering uranium, plutonium and actinides around them, did not create a situation where millions of years on the surface of our planet various metals and radioactive elements accumulated, “flew” from space.
The luminaries of science put forward a new theory, not yet finding confirmation, but already able to explain a lot. Scientists believe that actinides and many metals, for example, could form on our planet with a huge explosion, occurred during the merger of several neutron stars. And happened this, apparently, at a time when the Earth was just beginning to form.