Another version of what constitutes planet nibiru

Another version of what the planet Nibiru isA photo from open sources

Despite the fact that Nibiru, none of the astronomers have ever seen (at least not one of the world luminaries in this field of science admits that) about a mysterious planet on the Internet for the past For several years there has been not just talk, but the most heated debate. Moreover, various theories are put forward, assumptions are removed documentaries, and so on. And recently, the Planet X is intensely frightened by the public, predicting the imminent Apocalypse, caused just by the rapprochement of Nibiru with the Earth. Moreover, constantly even specific dates of planetary collisions are called, to for example, September 22 this year.

But not only astronomers, ufologists and conspiracy theorists. Let’s get an opinion on this esotericists. Without naming any of these philosophers specifically by name, just give a collective version of Nibiru to those who often does not apply for secret knowledge to outer space or to some specific historical, scientific works, and directly to the database Universe (methods for obtaining such knowledge from the Universal “library” each esoteric has his own).

So, according to the esotericists, Nibiru really exists, however, this is not a planet in the sense that in this the word is invested by astronomers. Nibiru is an infernal entity, a bunch of energy that can really fly into the Solar system and destroy the earth. For example, Hellenic philosophers called her nemesis, rightly identifying with the goddess retribution.

Nibiru can actually become an act of retribution for recklessness of humanity. Apparently, this Nemesis has destroyed more than once earthly civilizations when they went beyond what is permitted Higher forces, rushed in their development in the wrong direction. Today’s society has also reached such a sad limit, Esoterics write, in their madness, when the world has long ruled lust and real robbery, starting from the oppression of others and ending with bloody wars. Add to this the barbaric the attitude of earthlings to their planet, which they are so filthy, that humanity itself is already perceived as a cancerous tumor Earth …

A photo from open sources

Even more terrible crime of mankind, specify esotericism is an exit into space without the permission of the Higher Forces. Even the ancient texts of the Sumerians mentioned this prohibition, however modern orthodox scholars and politicians, even knowing about it, with of the last century began space exploration, thereby approximating the hour of reckoning. And this reckoning can fly from space just in the form of fire Nibiru.

At present, the initiates continue, Higher Forces decide what to do with earthly civilization. No exact date Apocalypse, not even rough data about the impending There is no retribution, and not one earthling can be. By this the reason all the talk about the upcoming end of the world, as always, is not more than a concussion. Often such dates are set by certain persons interested in chaos in society, in people’s fear of coming. Given this, it is safe to say that the Planet X in this regard is nothing more than a myth. Of course, we can talk about real Nibiru, however, this is all one to argue – Is there a God in the world or not? ..

Time End of the World Nemesis Nibiru

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