Photos from open sources of
Ufologists and virtual archaeologists constantly studying photos the authorship of NASA, made another curious find. According to researchers, they examined images of the surface of the Red the planets sent by the rover and found the foundations on them buildings (main photo) and even the representative of the Martian civilization.
Moreover, experts argue that in the hands of this an alien is some kind of weapon. Black anthropomorphic silhouette allegedly peeking out from behind a stone and watching the rover.
A photo from open sources
Despite the fact that the quality of the fragment that interested ufologists image is not high enough, it can still be clearly seen on it make out a humanoid figure holding something in his left hand. Naturally, this may be one of the pairedolic illusions about which many skeptics love to say, but experts Do not rush to believe in such coincidences. Also not worth it forget that there are a great many such “coincidences”. Experts almost weekly find objects on Mars and creatures that supposedly cannot be there. Isn’t it too much accidents, they ask?
A photo from open sources
Meanwhile, the aforementioned skeptics continue to deny existence on the Red planet of intelligent life. According to their opinion, the fancy silhouette in the photo is just a play of light and shadows on the dunes of Mars. Say, if you look too long shots of a distant celestial body, then the imagination will necessarily begin draw on an alien landscape of humanoids, insectoids, “flying saucers”, sculptures, man-made artifacts and much more yet. But in reality …
In fact, what is Mars in reality? Do skeptics really know this? ..
A photo from open sources