Artificial mountain discovered on Mercury

An artificial mountain discovered on MercuryPhotos from open sources of

The planet closest to the Sun, Mercury, has not attracted for a long time. attention of ufologists, since it was believed that it certainly didn’t there may be life, all the more reasonable. However, now this the celestial body of our SS has increasingly come into view independent space explorers.

And not even because at the moment, Mercury is intensely studied by experts of the same NASA or European space agencies, simply related to the first planet of our solar the system began to change. But if scientists are harassed by some riddles of Mercury, for example, where does the atmosphere come from, which due to low gravity immediately lost, the nature of origin a long (23 thousand kilometers) cosmic hydrogen plume, and so on, then ufologists can easily explain it now by the presence of this planet of civilization.

In support of their guesses (so far this is nothing more than assumptions, by the way, are even less convincing than about civilization on Mars) virtual archaeologists, such as Scott Waring, recently time in pictures sent by the Messenger spacecraft, with at surprising intervals began to find traces of the Mercury. First, a Taiwanese researcher discovered a tower on Mercury (then whether aliens, or aboriginal planets), then a statue of a prayer humanoid, and at the beginning of this year the ufologists’ court was already pulled out artificially created mountain.

As Waring says (and many other reputable ufologists, say, George Graham), such a mountain simply can not be created by nature, which “does not tolerate” rectangular constructions. A if you look at this anomaly of Mercury, you can see notches with right angles. Where are they from?

Unfortunately, according to independent space researchers, all the main secrets of Mercury are kept on its reverse side, which not visible from Earth, and therefore practically unexplored. Among amateur astronomers there are also supporters of the so-called theory universal intelligent life in the universe, according to which, only all planets and even stars are inhabited. Another thing, what life form develops on them depending on local conditions. Naturally, for a biological life like ours, approximately earthly conditions are needed, why scientists are looking for brothers in the mind only on exoplanets, however on Mercury it may be completely another inherently civilization. Nevertheless, she may very well affect the physical environment, leaving traces of, say, in the form the same mountain with rectangular structures on top, not characteristic of nature.

Time Life Mercury Scott Waring

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