Artificial Phobos

In 2012, a whole hysteria began around the mysterious Mars. The red planet, its satellites, the possibility of colonization, the work of the Mars rover Curiosity is discussed wherever possible. From time to time, loud statements make very authoritative organization. For example, the European Space Agency. Quite recently, representatives of this organization said that Phobos, The mysterious Martian moon is artificial.

Photo from open sources

At least one third of it is hollow, and the origin satellite is not natural, alien in nature. Astrophysicist Dr. Joseph Samuilovich Shklovsky first calculated the orbital motion of Phobos, the Martian satellite. He came to the inevitable conclusion that the moon is artificial and hollow, in In principle, a huge ship. Russian astronomer, Dr. Herman Struve, for months counting the orbits of two Martian moons with extreme accuracy at the beginning of the 20th century. Having studied the astronomer’s report, Shklovsky realized over time – orbital velocity and Phobos position in space does not correspond mathematically predictions Struve. After a long study of the tides, gravitational and magnetic forces, Shklovsky came to solid the belief that there are no natural reasons that could explain the origin of two odd moons or their strange behavior, in in particular, what Phobos demonstrates. The moons were artificial. Someone or something created them. For decades, most representatives of official science ignored Shklovsky’s breakthrough, until the ESA started looking at the strange little moon. there is a few assumptions: 1. This giant spaceship could be built as an orbiting station or space observatory. 2. This is a generated ship that arrived from another stellar system and was placed in a parking orbit around Mars. 3. The moon was built in orbit by Mars interstellar travelers but has not been completed. 4. Is it functional (or non-functional) giant planet killer, spatial bomb, possibly left over from some interplanetary conflicts in the environment space millions of years ago. Alien ship, superbomb or unfinished project? In addition, in 1998, a researcher Efrain Palermo on Phobos discovered the Monolith facility. Helped him also freelance researcher Len Fleming when they both tried analyze a curious artifact photographed by a telescope, mounted on a Mars Surveyor, and discovered on the side of Phobos, facing Mars. For obvious reasons, they started calling him “Monolith”. The artifact is a great hill, similar to a pillar of triangular section.

“Монолит” Photo from open sources

And further. This is what is alarming. Someone or something stubbornly interferes Explore this little Martian moon. July 12, 1988 USSR �sent two automatic interplanetary stations to Mars – Phobos-1 and Phobos-2. Each of them was equipped with a kit. complex devices and appliances: three television cameras, spectrometer, flight control and orientation system, systems video and sound recordings. The total cost of both AWS was 480 million dollars. At first everything went well, but on September 2 Phobos-1 did not contact. Attempts to regain contact success failed have had. “Phobos-2” in March 1989 successfully reached intermediate orbit around Mars and managed to transmit to Earth an entire a series of data and snapshots before the Mission Control Center in Kaliningrad near Moscow (now the city of Korolev) lost contact with him. There is evidence that the Phobos-2 task included research strange objects and questioning surface phenomena its namesake – the closest satellite to Mars. AMC should have been maneuver around Phobos for two months, at times dropping above it to a distance of 50 meters. And besides, on the Martian moon was planned to drop two research module – for soil analysis, magnetic field measurements, execution and transmission to Earth of satellite images.

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Upon completion of this part of the program, “Phobos-2” was supposed to return to orbit around Mars and continue its research. But that did not happen. First, from the Martian orbit, the AMC transmitted images of the surface of the Red Planet, as well as data on the composition and properties of its atmosphere. Then, according to the program, March 27, 1989 of the year, Phobos-2 interrupted radio communication with the Mission Control Center – at the time of rapprochement with Phobos. But after giving the command to the renewal of communication at the MCC received from the probe only very weak, a short signal, after which Phobos-2 fell silent forever. Then the USSR �collapsed and the large-scale program “Phobos” was closed. For a while. Apparently, its importance was so great that in 1996 it was The third, already Russian, Mars-96 station was launched. This mission too was declared lost, although it was executed according to the most modern technology and had a record weight of 6.8 tons. January 15, 2012 the spacecraft launched into earth orbit ceased to exist “Phobos-Grunt”, designed to study the satellite of Mars Phobos and the delivery to the Earth of soil samples from it. Cost of failure – 5 billion rubles. Immediately after the disaster, representatives of the sixth the GRU and FSB departments signed a non-disclosure agreement with employees, participated in the preparation and launch of the mission “Phobos-soil.” IN January, 2 months after the launch, seizure of carriers interplanetary station information and control codes. These the events are explained by the investigation into the death of space apparatus. But a competent source at Roscosmos said that at in fact Phobos Soil is currently moving towards Mars, and the “disaster” has become one of the most widespread hoaxes in the history of astronautics. This version is favored by several Facts: 1. The Phobos-Soil engine was launched over South America, where the spacecraft was hidden from major ground observation stations, both Russian and American and European. 2. After the launch on November 9, “Phobos-Grunt” broadcast on Earth incomprehensible signals that the Control Center could not decrypt. 3. Despite the statement about the fall of the apparatus Phobos-Grunt January 15, 2012, 13-tonne debris falling the station was not recorded. Amazing perseverance in attempts to study Phobos and a series of incredible failures suggest strange thoughts. In particular, some experts said that at Mars-96 station failed mass memory, which was supplied Americans, and came out unexpectedly and all at once – the main and duplicate. So it is possible that the “Phobos-Grunt” announced dead, continues its flight, and in early 2013 will drop lander to the mysterious “Monolith”. A comment of the author: about five years ago I, after reading the above text of my own composition, I would think about a mental state yourself. All these assumptions about the artificiality of Phobos, the moon sound too fantastic, unreal. But here is the interesting thing. Phobos really is far from Earth, to thoroughly study it and draw conclusions. But very close to us is Moon. True, our companion always looks at the Earth with one side, as if hiding her secrets from earthlings. Numerous moon American expeditions (I do not believe in their reality so far) brought practically nothing useful to science. NASA for some reason, something always disappears: either the lunar soil was stolen by someone, or someone lit up photographs and film. But astronomers still managed to find out that the moon also represents a huge frame, covered with a layer of rigolith. Under this layer, huge cavities. So these are alien base stations, relay communications satellites or huge spaceships, parked in the orbits of Earth and Mars for a specific purpose? Like this question! Igor Nechaev

Time Ancient artifacts Moon Mars USSR �

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