A photo from open sources
Astronomers from around the world do not cease to observe the asteroid under called Apophis, which may be dangerous to humanity, moreover, more than once: in 2029 it will take place in the immediate proximity to our planet, in 2036 – this will happen again. By preliminary calculations, the distance between the asteroid and the surface of the earth will be ten times smaller than the distance from Earth to the moon. But in 2068 he may face our the planet. And although this probability is very small, it is only 2.3 per million, however due to recent events and meteorite the rain passed over Chelyabinsk, astronomers again began calculate all the options. They managed to establish that in 2029 an asteroid will approach the Earth at a distance of 37.6 thousand kilometers. IN the field of view of astronomers also hit the so-called wells “, points in space, about 600 meters wide, flying through which the asteroid will change the parameters of its orbit. If an asteroid will change its orbit and fall into one of the keyholes at the time of maximum rapprochement with the planet, it is likely that its fragments, which did not have time to burn out in the atmosphere, can fall on any of the continents. As for 2036, then the passage of an asteroid through the “keyhole” is practically completely excluded. But in 2068, the asteroid’s orbit can end up in one of those “keyholes” that scientists discovered about twenty. Moreover, scientists from NASA called the exact date of the possible collision is April 12th. And if after the last meteor shower that passed over Chelyabinsk, scientists found fragments of meteorites whose weight was more kilograms, then in the event of a collision of the Earth with Apophis, these fragments seem small pebbles, experts suggest. To such scientists came to disappointing conclusions after January 9, 2014 years, this asteroid flew past our planet at a distance 14.46 million kilometers. Using the space observatory, which is located on an artificial satellite, scientists succeeded Get new information about the asteroid. If previously it was found that the diameter of this cosmic body is 325 meters, then after observation it was found that its diameter is 20 percent more, and the volume and mass exceed previous indicators 70 percent. Both images and new data were published on American space agency website. All who have the ability to use the Internet, could watch the flight an asteroid in real time as well as on one of specialized sites look made using a telescope photographs. Infrared thermal observations of an asteroid in different wavelengths as well as optical measurements have helped to clarify characteristics of Apophis. In the future, this will help scientists adjust your predictions about a possible collision space object with earth. New data enabled scientists first draw up a temperature map of the asteroid, and also allowed adjust its reflectivity. As it turned out, the asteroid turned out to be a little darker than originally supposed: he is capable of reflect only 23, not 33 percent of the light falling on it surface. From this we can conclude that Apophis absorbs more solar energy and, accordingly, warms up more, which has a certain effect on the trajectory of movement asteroid. The probability of an asteroid collision with Earth made scientists look for ways to solve this problem. They proceeded to developing ways to protect the planet. If astronomers fail find ways to resolve the problem, a collision can stand out more than 1.6 thousand megatons of energy, and this is much more than from the explosion of a hydrogen bomb. Russian scientists have already managed to do first steps towards saving the Earth. They proposed a new way. protect the planet from asteroids – knock them off the trajectory with strokes by other astroids. To translate this idea into reality a special mathematical laboratory was created in Russia modeling of methods and methods of protection against asteroid and cometary danger. The laboratories are attended by Russian and foreign scientists. The project is funded by a grant won, the amount of which is 150 million rubles. Project Manager David Eismont suggested that it is necessary to disperse a small asteroid and knock down Apophis with it, changing its trajectory. At using the gravitational maneuver and gravity of the planet significantly increase the speed of the cosmic body. By the way, this method is used to send spacecraft to the most distant distances in the solar system without large fuel costs. Thus, certain calculations were made, according to which in order to provide the Earth’s gravitational maneuver of an asteroid-shell with a mass of 1.4 thousand tons and a diameter of 15 meters, a small engine and about 1.2 tons of fuel are needed. Scientists intend to launch a beacon on the Soyuz rocket and land him on a dangerous asteroid. The design of this lighthouse is currently is under development. It’s about two space apparatuses – “Kaissa” and “Trap” (the first – for reconnaissance, the second – percussion, with nuclear warheads). For the role of the shell, scientists identified asteroid 2011 UK10. In the USA, large-scale developments in the industry. Noteworthy American HAIV program, the essence of which is to create nuclear asteroid interceptors. This program is aimed at creating protective technologies to ensure the safety of the planet from consequences of a collision with an asteroid. HAIV alone is a spacecraft designed to penetrate inside an asteroid and explode there. That is, there will be either complete destruction of the object, or he will be able to move from the trajectory of movement. Another very An interesting project was developed by the American company SEI. Essence The project is to send small robots to the asteroid. Burrowing into the surface of the asteroid and throwing the rock into space, these robots must change its trajectory. Another American the company put forward a proposal to launch infrared into space telescope to search and track potentially dangerous asteroids. Among international developments, technology should be noted painting of celestial bodies, designed to protect the Earth from potential threats. The essence of technology is to reduce reflective abilities of asteroids. To influence the motion of the cosmic object on its surface using a special space drone must be applied special paint. In addition, in currently there are already about 40 different ways to deal with potentially dangerous celestial objects. In particular, it is possible call a frontal strike of high power, the detonation of a nuclear charge. Some projects that are in development. So, for example, the EU expects to allocate about four million euros for the implementation of the NEO-Shield project, which involves the construction of a shield from asteroids. However similar construction will be very expensive – its cost is estimated approximately 300 million euros. By the way, due to the lack of another project was frozen – Don Quixote (goal it was to send Hidalgo to the asteroid – ram-satellite and move it off the trajectory). Recall asteroid Apophis was discovered in 2004 by scientists of the Laboratory Jet Propulsion NASA. They chose such a talking for him. the name, after all, if we turn to mythology, that’s exactly what they called the ancient god of darkness and destruction. Scientists have found that every seven years, an asteroid crosses the Earth’s orbit, at each visiting reducing the distance to the planet. Initially employees laboratories evaluated the chances of an asteroid colliding with Earth as 1:45 000. A little later, American scientists had to revise your ratings. As a result, the probability of a collision between Apophis and ours the planet was 1: 250,000. In addition, American astronomers found that an asteroid could approach the Earth at dangerously close distance in 2051, 2058, 2074 and 2089 (unless, of course, after a collision in 2068 a planet called Earth will continue to exist).
NASA Time Robots Russia Telescope Chelyabinsk