A photo from open sources
This mysterious astroid, in the form of a cigar, was seen in our The solar system back in October last year by Hawaiian astronomers observatory. Hence, such a strange name – Oumuamua, although in translated from Hawaiian, this word means “Messenger”: true, and such his name immediately leads to certain thoughts.
The fact is that the general public about a mysterious gift from I learned about space only two months later – at the end of December 2017, and before that, scientists of the world secretly discussed what it is, and the main question was, as it still remains, is a comet or artificial body? ..
Now that this is an incomprehensible body, supposedly 400 in length 40 meters wide (ten to one, to be more true, since the exact size of the asteroid has not yet been disclosed, again it’s not clear why), approached Jupiter, they aimed at it right away all the largest telescopes in the world, for example, Canada-France-Hawaii, NASA / ESA Hubble, Southern Gemini, Greater ESO. Thanks to this it was many photographs were taken, of which experts made pretty impressive animation (watch the video).
Asteroid “Oumuamua” increases speed
The version that the asteroid Oumuamua can be a man-made creation (it was even considered by NASA staff), officially rejected, however, the arguments advanced by academic science in the form of evidence that the “Messenger” is just a “stone block” look, to put it mildly, puny, and here’s why:
- “Messenger” is constantly increasing speed (he entered the Solar system at a speed of 95 thousand kilometers per hour, and now it is already 114 thousand). NASA employees suggest that the fault comedic gases that give the body an acceleration, but neither for some reason one of the world’s telescopes did not find them. Also Oumuamua suspiciously rotates in three planes, and its orbit is not fits into the estimated;
- then scientists suggested that the effect could be to blame Yarkovsky (acceleration of a cosmic body appears due to thermal radiation from periodic heating and cooling of the surface asteroid). However, the behavior of the “Messenger” as defined independent researchers, does not fit into these formulas;
- NASA now claims that Oumuamua is just an unusual comet, firing ice granules, which give it acceleration.
Of course, in spite of all the attraction for the ears of official arguments, one could agree with them if the same employees NASA introduced independent researchers to data not only in optical, but also in the infrared spectrum, the parameters of the mysterious asteroid for radio emission, radiation and so on. The fact that The “messenger” looks like a huge lump, still does not say anything, say the same conspiracy theorists, for example, our moon also looks like ordinary satellite of the earth, although so far none of the orthodox scientists did not refute the undeniable arguments of its artificiality.
Recall that scientists said last year that the “Messenger” flew to us from the constellation Lyra, and specifically – from the star of Vega. But in this case, independent astronomers say, Oumuamua, as show the most elementary calculations, made a huge hook, before you get into the solar system, which can only be explained by if this is a man-made spacecraft, but not asteroid…
NASA Solar System