Asteroid suspiciously similar to space ship entered the solar system

An asteroid that looks suspiciously like a spaceship has entered the solar system.A photo from open sources

For the first time in the modern history of astronomical observations in The asteroid appeared in the solar system, flying to us from somewhere from the outside. World ufologists immediately tensed, and for good reason – this space object suspiciously similar to cigar-shaped alien ship.

Presumably, this mysterious body is hundreds of millions of years old. wandered between the stars before it reached our planetary system. Is it a coincidence that the “asteroid” headed exactly to where has intelligent life?

A photo from open sources

Astronomers have already given the alleged asteroid a name – Oumuamua, which translated from Hawaiian as “messenger”. I wonder why scientists chose that name for him? Who was this “messenger” sent, and where and why? According to the official version, speech it’s about a dark red block about 400 meters long and wide about 40, however, conspiracy theorists and UFO researchers are not too believe such information. According to their data, an astronomical object behaves too meaningfully and as if he chooses his own path flight. Pan-STARRS telescope system located in Hawaii caught this cosmic body as early as October 19, but only now it has become the subject of discussion by the general public.

The alleged asteroid flies in space at a speed of 95 thousand kilometers per hour, and scientists determined by his trajectory that he moves toward us from the star Vega, located 25 light years from the earth. However, simple astronomical calculations speak of that when Oumuamua began his journey, Vega was located in a completely different place. It seems either people of academic science trying to mislead us, or Oumuamua really flies to us from the side of the brightest star in the constellation Lyra, making in space, a huge hook, completely impossible for the ordinary asteroid. And then it could very well be an interstellar wanderer artificial origin …

solar system

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