Astronauts during missions suffer from lack of sleep

Cosmonauts suffer from lack of sleep during missionsA photo from open sources Scientists from Harvard Medical School (USA) found that the level of lack of sleep among astronauts reaches a dangerous for life. In the course of the study, scientists found out how they sleep 64 astronauts who participated in 80 shuttle flights, and 21 astronauts from living on the ISS. It turned out that on average they manage to sleep less than six hours on space shuttle missions and a little more six hours during life on the ISS. And this despite the fact that according to NASA schedule they are supposed to sleep eight and a half hours daily. The trouble is that no dawn or sunset every 90 minutes on orbit, nor microgravity on the ISS contributes to maintaining natural circadian rhythms of a person. In addition, and before the flight astronauts cannot get enough time to train. And between the chronic lack of sleep is harmful to health and not in the best way affects the professional activity of a person. Problem yet and that use sleeping pills to improve sleep astronauts they can’t: then they won’t be able to wake up and act quickly in case of emergency. Scientists believe that it is necessary to develop some methods and tools that would allow astronauts get enough sleep without risk for themselves and dear equipment at the station. Not to mention that for more long missions, the specifics of sleep in space must still be studied and to study. By the way, lack of sleep is dangerous for another reason. How recently American scientists found that lack of sleep leads to errors in memorizing information. False memories in everyday life unpleasant, but in space it can also be extremely dangerous, reports “Around the World.”

ISS Life Time

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