Astronomers believe that some radio bursts in outer space are artificial

Astronomers believe that some radio bursts in space are of artificial originA photo from open sources

The universe itself is an unsolvable mystery to us. IN 21st century, for example, we still have no answer to one of the main questions of mankind: is there an extraterrestrial life on other planets? While astronomers have long received mysterious signals from distant stars. These are the so-called fast radio bursts (FRB), that appear temporarily and always randomly, which makes them not only practically impossible for a targeted search, but also difficult to learn. The secret lies in what is unknown so far, how so short and at the same time called strong radio signal.

This circumstance led some experts to suggest such signals can come from colliding stars, although not except otherwise, these are artificially created messages.

The first FRB was detected (rather “heard”) by radio telescopes back in 2001, but it was not thoroughly studied again until 2007, only then scientists analyzed archival data and faced this strange phenomenon. The signal itself was so temporary and seemingly random that astronomers needed years to admit that it was not a technical malfunction in one of telescope instruments. But now astronomers have recognized that everything fixed FRBs follow the established pattern, so they may well be of artificial origin.

Set Signals

Astronomers have identified the first established model of fast a burst of radio at a distance of 500 million light-years from us, but they still do not know what causes this phenomenon. The signal passes in for a few milliseconds once an hour, and so every hour in for four days. Then silence for twelve days, before the 16-day cycle resumes. This is the first time that astronomers detect the FRB pattern, but its causes are only presumptive. The pattern was fixed after 400 days. observations by researchers from the Canadian CHIME project.

Scientists of Canada ruled out alien communication, as they consider: 16 days, and even for such a short message – all this would be inappropriate and ineffective in this regard. In addition, some similar radio bursts found on Earth are unique, come from truly random space and never no longer repeated. Now the chime astronomers who so far refused to comment on their discovery, proved that when studying pattern FRB 180916 everything happened very differently, he constantly repeated.

This is very important, reported through the scientific journal Science News astrophysicist from the University of West Virginia Duncan Lorimer (Duncan Lorimer). Potentially, we need a lot of time and, perhaps a serious scientific investigation to get to the bottom of the reasons repeating radio signals.

No explanation has yet been found, but astronomers suggest what could it be because the source of the mysterious FRB is in orbit.

A photo from open sources

This frequency, if confirmed, will be the first circumstantial evidence indicating very probable reasonable orbital movement, said Bing Zhang (Bing Zhang) from the University of Nevada in an interview with New Scientist.

Scientists don’t know yet whether a repeating signal is an anomaly or the norm, but this is proved only by one thing: they for several years searched for radio bursts incorrectly, that is, put the basis of the search randomness in their appearance. However, today’s discovery will allow them Reduce your search.

Leon Oostrum of the Dutch Institute Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) told New Scientist: it is not known what causes these signals, but we know very well reasons that can not give rise to them, and therefore, an approximation to the truth was outlined anyway. Even if these are artificial signals, they are very far from our understanding and perception of how they are must be. They are too short-term and with huge interruptions. From our point of view, through such signals to transmit any semantic information is almost impossible, this would require millennia. But … this is only from the point of view of the earth the logic …

Extraterrestrial origin

Since some scientists do not even want to make the assumption that the origin of the pattern FRB 180916 may be alien, CHIME researchers did not disclose all the intricacies of their discoveries and impose their opinions on this matter. In turn physicists from Harvard University have suggested that these fast radio bursts may be evidence of extraterrestrial technology interstellar motion of the ship when the wormhole is created, allowing you to instantly travel vast distances.

A photo from open sources

Famous theoretical physicist Avi Loeb from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics explained that bursts with a “curvature” of the temporal-spatial continuum give parameters corresponding to FRB. For example, taking the basis of this principle of movement in space, NASA scientists said that you can “fly” to Mars in just three days. This is why the FRB pattern 180916 may seem artificial and at the same time not have no relation to the transfer of information and the desire of the brothers mind contacting us or someone else in a big space.


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