Astronomers criticized the “disco ball” launched into the space

Astronomers criticizedA photo from open sources

Famous astronomers criticized the New Zealand startup “Rocket Lab “for the secret launch on January 21 into the orbit of our planet is very unusual aircraft. Passive geodetic satellite “Humanity Star” having a diameter of about 1 meter and a mass of about 8 kilograms, is a mirror polyhedron and resembles in appearance big disco ball. The satellite is made of carbon fiber and has 65 highly reflective panels.

“Humanity Star” already reflects the sun’s rays to Earth. The device will be visible at different times from all over the planet. it will be the brightest, in addition to the moon, light in the night sky in for 9 months until the satellite burns out in the atmosphere. According to “Rocket Lab”, their brainchild is designed to remind humanity which we occupy a small and unstable place in the Universe, as well as give Earthlings something to enjoy at night Each of them.

A photo from open sources

However, most world astrophysicists have found that New Zealanders did a disservice to them. They claim that light pollution of the sky is already a big problem, preventing scientists from observing the stars. Thus glowing “disco ball” flying in orbit will exacerbate for them even more the situation. Professor Richard Easter of the University of Auckland reported reporters that the launch of one highly reflective satellite, of course, will not be a tragedy, but if it turns into a normal practice, also on an increasing scale of fashion (since this is no longer first experience of such a plan), then with such start-ups you will have to fight at the law level.

Many scientists have called “Humanity Star” space graffiti, space debris, a huge strobe against the background of constellations and other unflattering names. People of science consider the project “Rocket Lab” great arrogance and stupidity. Either astronomers get angry because that the output of the beacon satellite was not agreed with anyone, or this a bright spot in the night sky will really interfere with them work. There were, by the way, such experts who said that there’s nothing wrong with launching Humanity Star. Say, companion to end of the year itself will go out, and it will fly over any point planets are very fast. In addition, debris in Earth orbit from he will not remain …


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