Astronomers have discovered a dangerous asteroid

Astronomers have discovered a dangerous asteroidPhotos from open sources of

An international group of astronomers announced the discovery in space two asteroids and one comet. One of the open heavenly bodies – a large asteroid – may, according to researchers, represent there is a significant danger to our planet.

All three objects caught the eye of specialists during last week. The discovery was made during use. “Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope” – a powerful a space telescope operating in the near and visible infrared range.

The ATLAST telescope is located in Hawaii, where it is currently operating. eminent astronomers from many countries, including the Russian Federation. Hawaiian Islands are hardly considered at the moment not the most attractive place for astronomical research – here the conditions are much better than in South America, Mexico, Europe or Chile. According to Andrei Sherstyuk, a graduate of Novosibirsk State University participating in this international the program to build telescopes in Aloha today is not only prestigious, but also incredibly profitable financially.

Russian says that come to work with “ATLAST” scientists from all over the planet. Grants are attracted, and the American national space agency eagerly allocates money for similar studies. At the same time, NASA is most interested in celestial bodies that can represent for the earth danger.

A photo from open sources

This issue has become very relevant since February 2013, when Russia and Kazakhstan fell the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite. Fortunately, it was not a whole block (or rather, this block by for some reason unknown to us, it exploded, not reaching the ground; ufologists prove that this happened not without intervention aliens), and a lot of debris that basically smashed windows in houses. However, this incident became good. a reminder that earthlings are completely defenseless before “space bombing.”

There are already two telescopes in Hawaii. Andrey Sherstyuk is engaged their software and hardware debugging. According to our compatriot, telescopes work continuously, carefully studying space. “ATLAST” takes about seven hundred photographs daily northern hemisphere sky.

An asteroid recognized as potentially dangerous to the Earth has diameter over two hundred and fifty meters. If he enters the atmosphere of our planet, it probably will not have time to burn out and crumble into pieces, therefore, will cause significant damage to humanity. Diameter the second asteroid is not more than fifty meters. is he passes closer to the Sun, therefore it does not cause astronomers anxiety. As for the comet, it now moves even further from us than the aforementioned asteroids, and also does not inspire scientists with concern.

Kazakhstan Telescope

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