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Astronomers have discovered a “compact copy” of the solar system – another star’s most populated planetary system, states article of a group of European scientists sent to Astrophysical Journal. “No other planetary system had in such degrees similar to our “house” architecture, as star system KOI-351. As in the solar system, rocky Earth-sized planets are close to the star, while the gas giants like Saturn and Jupiter are on the edge, ” – says Juan Cabrera from German Aerospace Agency DLR.
He and his colleagues studied the star system KOI-351 (KIC 11442793), which the Kepler telescope has been researching for four years. Earlier Kepler team according to the results of studying the curves of brightness fluctuations stars announced that there are three planets in the KOI-351 system. However now Carber’s group using the new DST algorithm found in curves brightness signs of the presence of four more planets.
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© DLR Comparison of the planetary system KOI-351 with others systems
Thus, KOI-351 was the most “populated” system among the famous (except for the Solar). Previously astronomers from European Southern Observatory announced the discovery of 7 planets at Gliese 667C stars, however the existence of one of them is not yet confirmed.
The KOI-351 system is extremely compact if its central luminary turned out to be in the place of the Sun, all seven planets would fit inside Earth orbit. The period of revolution of the three “Kepler” planets is 331, 211 and 60 days (which roughly corresponds to the orbits Earth, Venus and Mercury). Two of the four planets discovered by the group Carbers are very close to the star – their periods are 7 and 9 days, and two more – a little further, their period is 92 and 125 days.
At the same time, as in the solar system, small earth-like the planets are near the Sun (their radius is 1.3 and 1.18 radius of the Earth), then there are three super-Earths, whose dimensions are 2-3 times more terrestrial, and on the outskirts there are two giants with radii of 8 and 11 times the size of the earth.
Scientists say the discovery will help scientists better understand processes of formation and evolution of both the solar system and other systems.
Sun solar system