Astronomers have discovered a unique planet

Scientists from the University of Arizona have found a distant planet that revolves around a star like the sun. Her feature is that it does not fit into any model of planet formation or stars. Photos from open sources

© karl anthony | Young Planet – Her age is approximately 13 million years old – located on a significant distance from its star, which completely eliminates planet formation scenario traversed by the Earth. Development of our a planet located 150 million kilometers from The sun was a slow process of merging asteroids and other relatively small celestial bodies in a gas-dust cloud. 97,500 Million Kilometers Distance Separating HD Object 106906 b (such a permanent designation is assigned to this planet) from stars, makes a similar version of the formation of this new celestial body impossible. Substance collapse version protoplanetary disk, resulting in the formation of the object HD 106906 b, also not believable: the weight of HD 106906 b is 11 times exceeds the mass of Jupiter, which is the largest planet Solar system. The environment surrounding the protoplanetary disk is unlikely could contain enough “material” to create planets of this scale. Interesting and most likely is hypothesis of the formation of a space object HD 106906 b in the form double star systems: two stars with mutual attraction, could shrink independently in a gas cloud and to form a planet, for the “flash” of a full-fledged star did not ring substances. In defense of this theory is the fact that now astronomers are able to fix the fragments of a certain substance, remaining, apparently, after the formation of the planet.

The sun

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