A photo from open sources
© Bill Saxton, NRAO / AUI / NSF | Sciencedaily.com
Watching the intergalactic space dividing Andromeda Nebula and the Triangle Galaxy, Astrophysics discovered huge gas clouds formed by ionized hydrogen.
According to American scientist Spencer Wolfe (University West Virginia, USA), such intergalactic gas clusters clearly structured. At first, scientists could not identify them sizes and properties, but thanks to the use of parabolic Green Bank radio telescope astronomers have discovered a certain pattern in the arrangement of giant gas clusters.
They all concentrated along the line connecting Andromeda and Triangle, as if strung on invisible threads. The researchers made an interesting assumption about the relationship of this dark matter phenomenon. “Perhaps these are the” threads “of dark matter, they are intertwined and form a global cosmic web “, – Wulf informed.
If this hypothesis is nevertheless confirmed, then it will become kind of scientific sensation. After all, what is called dark matter, from which, presumably, two-thirds is our universe, is a mystery to scientists. This substance does not reflect light and does not give radiation, it is impossible to observe through a telescope. In fact, dark matter is invisible. However, there are hypotheses which disprove the existence of invisible matter.
Perhaps a new discovery will shed light on these mysteries of the universe. Galaxy universe