A photo from open sources Sinuous long solar fiber material now lies on the front of the sun. Its length is approximately 1.61 million kilometers. Fiber consists of clouds of solar material hanging above the surface of the sun and held by powerful magnetic fields. Being unstable, such fibers can exist for days or even weeks.
A photo from open sources This giant fiber has been seen and tracked for several days while it revolved around Of the sun. Observations were made using the Solar Observatory Dynamics (SDO) of NASA. This observatory oversees The sun 24 hours a day. If such a fiber is pulled, then it stretches almost to the diameter of the Sun, representing, approximately, in 100 times the increased diameter of the Earth. Using SDO were obtained fiber snapshots at various wavelength ranges, which helps highlight materials at different temperatures. Studying solar fibers in different wavelength ranges and at different temperatures, scientists can get more information about the reasons for the appearance of such structures, as well as the fact that is a catalyst for gigantic emissions into space space. The image on the left was obtained by combining extreme ultraviolet (UV) radiation with a wavelength of 193 and 335 angstroms. The image on the right also matches extreme UV radiation with a wavelength of 304 angstroms.
The sun