A photo from open sources
This fantastic news is already two years old, but about that astronomical sensation and today very few know since, firstly, there is no direct evidence of this surprising discovery, and secondly, even with undeniable facts such a “turn of affairs”, none of the academic institutions of the world will immediately revise established theories of origin The universe, our solar system, and so on, that is, all that what we “know and think” about the great cosmos and the distribution in it intelligent life.
And what happened in 2016 is this: astronomers looking at space given into the famous telescope Kepler (in search of exoplanets, on which there is similar to earthly life), suddenly in the constellation Cygnus discovered a gigantic object that in its parameters did not resemble a star, not to the planet. Against the background of the “there sun” codenamed Is-8462852 some mysterious structure floated clearly artificial origin. Moreover, this object was 20 times larger than our giant Jupiter. Who could create something like this, astronomers of the world were amazed?
As independent researchers suggest, for example, American theoretical physicist Freeman John Dyson (by the way, this year this heretic scientist, as his colleagues sometimes call him, is fulfilling 95 years), the detected object may be a giant space a power station, the creation of which any highly developed civilization.
Astronomers soon found out that before the star Is-8462852 passed not even one, but two such mysterious structures, and one of them had the correct form, but the second, most likely, already resembled collapsed and abandoned man-made object. Both “stations” revolved around their “sun” in different orbits, and breaking Kepler’s laws.
Assuming that all of this is true (despite all opposition to this fact by orthodox scholars), then it turns out that many colossal years ago these colossal energy systems already existed, which means that in the Universe there must be supercivilizations capable of such – the creation of artificial planets and even stars.
This assumption could even explain why our solar the system is not quite ordinary, as if artificially created by someone, let’s say for some unthinkable experiment. If there is civilizations capable of “giving birth” to planets and giant stations, then it is possible that one of them once created our mysterious “oasis” in the universe – the solar system. And not only created, but also still watching the development of his brainchild …
Universe Life Solar System