Photo from open sources
For the layman, of whom the majority on Earth, any star in the sky – little round sun. Small, because far, us so taught at school, and round – in space everything is round. And although we This was not particularly taught, but for some reason we all know this very well.
However, according to astronomers, stars can have completely other, unusual forms to us. For example, the brightest in the foreseeable for us space star Regulus (Leo constellation) has ribs – something like what we see at a pumpkin. Here is an interesting similarity with autumn garden beauty.
And the star of Pi5 Orion is even more interesting in its structure: it double, and each half of it is a triaxial ellipsoid. Or take the star Alpha Eridana Achernar, which scientists say rotates at such an amazing speed that its polar diameter fifty percent less than the equatorial. It is practically a flat star, the flattest of the universe we see.
By the way, this star is still so bright that it can be observed with the naked eye, however, only to residents of the Southern Hemisphere. FROM territory of Russia, unfortunately, you will not see it through a telescope …
A photo from open sources
… Yeah, supporters of the theory of a flat earth rejoice, so they can be stars in the form of tortillas! And if so, then why can’t it be flat planet? ..
Really, astronomers let loose and gave another reason to warm up this completely absurd (at first glance) theme – a flat Earth? The most amazing thing is that the proponents of this theory are very prove their case in good faith, and in that they’re great helps the american agency NASA, which is constantly lying and engaged in all kinds of hoaxes, say, of the same flights astronauts to the moon, an incomprehensible shuttle explosion in 1986 “Challenger”, although almost all of his “dead” astronauts are still alive, and so on. And once lied, as you know, no longer inspires confidence in nothing …