Australian astronomers have caught a radio signal from faraway galaxy

Australian astronomers have caught a radio signal from a distant galaxyA photo from open sources

The signal was detected by the Australian antenna system, which form the latest modern radio telescope. This miracle of technology located 300 kilometers from Geraldton, in the west Australia

The purpose of the prolette is to search for distant galaxies beyond “visibility” of radar detection of most modern telescopes.

The signal that was received by the researchers coming from the galaxy known as PKS B1740-517, more than 5 billion. years. It carries information about traces of cold gaseous hydrogen, which is the basis for the formation of new stars.

According to astrophysicists, they are going to open a “hunt” for galaxies, whose age is from 5 to 8 billion years – time span covering a fifth of the life of the universe. By research results will be able to find out how much gaseous hydrogen was then in galaxies to form stars. Until now, scientists have had extremely little of opportunities.

Australia Galaxy Time

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