A photo from open sources PHOTO: NASA Cassini Probe I photographed an autumn cloud on the satellite of Saturn Titan. it confirms the theory that there is a change of seasons on Titan. Photo posted on NASA website. Titanium, the largest Saturn’s satellite revolves around the Sun much slower than the Earth, therefore, the change of seasons takes there seven and a half earthly years. As the Cassini photo shows, at the south pole of Titan, where there is a photographed cloud, autumn is coming, while on the north pole, by contrast, is approaching spring. Similar circulation there is an atmosphere on Earth where water vapor is transported at the equator to the north and south. On Titan, a melting ice cloud in the north pole is gradually moving to the colder south pole (Hadley cell effect). Previously, this phenomenon was only predicted to based on computer models. What are the ice clouds of Titan not exactly known. There is a lot of methane on this satellite, there’s even methane rivers and lakes, but the composition of the clouds is more complex. One by one from versions, they are formed from a mixture of organic substances in the form small crystals. Saturn’s moons have long been interested in scientists, so as this is one of the places in the solar system where probably the existence of life. Titanium in particular is the only one body in the solar system (except Earth), for which it is proved the existence of liquid on the surface. In addition, Titan – the only satellite of the planet with a dense atmosphere.
NASA Saturn Solar System