Black hole tore a star: NASA introduced space incident video

A black hole tore a star: NASA introduced a videoA photo from open sources

Scientists captured the moment when a huge black hole powerful pulling tearing to pieces the one approaching it a star.

This case of “space killing” was first recorded NASA scientists from beginning to end.

NASA satellite (TESS), designed to search for distant exoplanets, presented in detail as being in 375 million light years from us, a star is attracted to a massive black hole and rapidly decays, leaving a bright round mark.

A broken star, similar in size to our Sun, has become a victim of the so-called “tidal destruction”. This phenomenon previously discovered by an international network of telescopes, and later, for a more thorough study, scientists used the opportunity Tess.

Cases where stars fall prey to supermassive blacks Holes are a very common occurrence in our galaxy. Powerful the gravitational force of black holes tears the stars apart, and then draws in the remnants of matter, which due to hot gas continues to emit light.

Earlier ESOREITER talked about where huge blacks come from. holes.

Andrey Vetrov

NASA Black Hole

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