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Giant black holes are known for their appetites. But, it seems that these “monsters” are even more gluttonous than previously thought. Supermassive black holes, most of which (if not all) hiding in the center of galaxies are increasing in size with amazing speed. Supermassive black holes are huge the mass of some of them is 10 billion times the mass of our the sun. Scientists using computer simulation have tried to track the growth of black holes, especially they were interested spiral galaxies similar to the Milky Way. According to scientists speculate that a giant black hole is in the galaxy Sombrero. According to scientists, it is currently 500 million times more massive than the sun. Astronomers have discovered that contrary the prevailing theory, black holes located in the centers of galaxies, can grow by absorbing “galactic gas” and other substances in calm spiral galaxies. Although earlier scientists believed that mass of black holes increases as a result of combining parent galaxies. Research Director Dr. Victor Debatista (Victor Debattista) from the University of Central Lancashire (University of Central Lancashire) noted: “Our simulation shows that black holes are quite effective grow in spiral galaxies. (In addition, modeling) will improve our understanding of how black grew holes in different types of galaxies “A new study confirms that the black hole of the milky way galaxy can absorb matter in 15 earth masses for about 10 years after meeting with gas a cloud that moves toward the center of the galaxy.
Milky Way Galaxies Sun Black Hole