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Black holes are rather strange and mysterious objects of space. The gravity in these areas is so strong that it can bend the light, to distort space and even distort time. Today astronomers are finding ever newer and more exciting ways black hole detection and research, they even work on the network interferometer, which will soon allow scientists to get high-quality images of the “event horizon” of black holes. In his the work of world famous British physicist Stephen Hawking talks about that black holes, in their classical sense, do not exist. This theory shocked the public. It says that gravitational giants are not immortal, moreover, thanks quantum quirk, leak of their particles (and therefore mass) occurs continuously, resulting in black over time holes just evaporate in space. Back in April 2013 at one of the lectures held at the California Technological Institute, Kip Thorne described the firewall paradox as “enough an acute problem in theoretical physics. “The very foundation of this the question is that the black hole event horizon is any point on a certain gravitational sphere, from which even light is not might break out due to the gravitational clutches of massive singularity black hole. Simplify the theory: if the light cannot escape a certain area of space, it goes without saying that we we see this area as a black sphere. It turns out something like one-way space street: everything flies into a hole, but None of it returns. However, based on the general theory relativity if the astronaut in outer space will pass the event horizon of a black hole, he physically does not feel anything. Although later, when he begins to drag, he will face a very a strong gravitational field, from which it will no longer be possible break free. However, quantum mechanics contradict this variant of events. For example, physicist Joseph Polchinski believes that if black holes do not really destroy information, then this information can escape from a black hole through Hawking radiation. In this case, the astronaut who falls within the event horizon will sprayed onto subatoms before it is “torn” by a black hole. On the this soil, an obvious conflict erupts between what predicts the general theory of relativity, and what it says quantum mechanics. Hawking theory removes the event horizon black holes, thereby removing the paradox itself. Hawking thinks the idea Event horizon needs to be redesigned. Instead of recognize that the event horizon is a certain facet by going over which even the light cannot return, Hawking insists that the horizon changes shape depending on quantum fluctuations inside a black hole. If you agree with this theory, the horizon Hawking’s events will not violate either the general theory of relativity or quantum dynamics. It also means that absorbed by black with a hole, information can break out over time, but because of it chaotic filing is unlikely to be at least somehow interpreted. Despite the many theoretical debates, to us, simple mortals, it’s hard to understand the results of calculations of physical events. In addition, today even the greatest scholars are inclined to believe that, unfortunately, the inconsistency of the general theory of relativity and quantum dynamics – a problem that cannot be solved in within our current understanding of the universe. Especially since today determining the exact boundary of a black hole is impossible in principle. IN By reasoning of Hawking, it is proposed to replace the generally accepted concept “event horizon” on the so-called “visible event horizon”, which is capable of holding matter and energy only for a while, and not forever. However, the absence of an event horizon means that not there are black holes. At least in the sense of zones spaces into which light cannot penetrate.
Time Stephen Hawking Black Hole