The water is so warm that life could be born in it, still flowed along Mars, the authors of the next episode tell us a long science series that is becoming more confusing. Recall a recent example: first, the Curiosity rover found on Red planet an ancient river, but then showed that there is no methane, despite ground-based observations. Hearts longing to see Martian life from this news fell, because on Earth 90-95% living creatures produce this gas. Photos from open sources
Photo Shutterstock. But there is still hope. Analysis meteorites arriving to us from a red-haired neighbor showed that the water temperature on Mars in places reached 50-150? C, that is, how in the springs of Yellowstone Park, where, as you know, boils a life. Lead author of the study John Bridges of Leicester University (UK) believes that water was heated in the result of the fall of meteorites, and there were many: enough take a look at photos of the surface of Mars. Martian meteorites They are divided into three types: Shergottites, Chassignites and overwhelms. Mr. Bridges and his colleagues were interested in the latter. There are only eight. “This group contains small veins filled with minerals that formed under the influence of water near surface of Mars, “says the researcher. One such meteorites – Lafayette – turned out to be especially rich in the newly formed minerals, so it was studied separately under electronic microscope and transmission electron microscope. Judging by According to the data obtained, siderite (carbonate iron), and it appears in water saturated with carbon dioxide, at temperature is about 150? C. Subsequent decrease in temperature to 50? C and the dispersion of carbon dioxide led to the formation of clay. According to researchers, it is this process (lowering the temperature and formation of minerals) becomes a catalyst for development microorganisms, because the latter use energy and elements, emitted during the corresponding reactions. Suzanne Schwenzer of Open University (UK) and its colleagues, having spent computer simulation of this process, made sure that life could indeed exist in such an environment – unlike the one which was associated with acidic sulfates. Research results published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Based on materials from Wired UK.
UK Water Life Mars