Photo from open sources
This amazing story first became truly famous in 2015, when it was published in the January issue of the popular Canadian edition of Conwichan Walley Citizen. Newspaper journalist attracted curious material from archives dating back to September 1908 year. More than a century ago, the same tabloid appeared fascinating article entitled “Message from Mars”, telling about the fall in British Columbia of a meteorite with weird hieroglyphs.
Extraterrestrial message
The article says that one Sunday morning a 14-year-old schoolboy worked in his father’s garden. Suddenly I heard a loud loud sound. The weeding teenager didn’t give him much values, and here a few meters from the youth some object fell with a diameter of about 25 centimeters. Debris flew in different directions crashed into the ground object. Schoolboy overturned a hot shock the wave. He got scared and ran to report what had happened. to parents.
Adults for a long time could not get a meteor out of the ground because of it high temperature. Subsequently, it turned out that the fallen heavenly the body has a rounded shape and a surface similar to marble. But most striking were the incomprehensible letters engraved on this surface. Canadians determined that a meteor appeared with northwest direction, flying, breaking many branches, through the crown of a tree and crashed into the ground at a 45-degree angle.
A photo from open sources
The father of the family, Angus Mackinnon, was extremely interested in his accidental acquisition and for a long time studied it. He is unsuccessful tried to decipher mysterious hieroglyphs on a meteor and even turned to specialists in the field of cryptography, however, they did not achieved no results. After a couple of months he passed find in the Ottawa Department of Mining, and the alien body began to explore geologists. Last also examined the funnel formed in the compatriot’s garden and took from there a soil sample for analysis.
Soon there were buyers who wanted to acquire a unique meteor. McKinnon, who put a lot of time and effort into the artifact, bargained recklessly, not wanting to cheapen. It’s not known whether the canadian managed to sell his treasure, but soon the meteor didn’t has become. Someone thinks they really bought it from Angus. Others suggest that a stone of extraterrestrial origin was taken a man has intelligence services. There is also an opinion that the object turned out to be radioactive. Radiation was just discovered 12 years before, and McKinnon should have been well aware of such a discovery. Can, sensing something was amiss, he took the meteor somewhere to nature and buried there far from sin.
Be that as it may, not a single one has survived to this day. photos of this artifact with mysterious writings. The images presented by us depict only similar in color or invoice objects.
A photo from open sources
Does this relate to the Tunguska meteorite?
As you know, in the same 1908 another thing happened, incomparably a louder event – the fall in Eastern Siberia of the so-called Tunguska meteorite. He allegedly provoked in the area Podkamennaya Tunguska River a colossal explosion comparable in TNT equivalent with the power of the explosion of the Tsar bomb – itself destructive weapons in human history.
I wonder if these events can have any connection? Can, Canadian meteorite was a warning letter about the Tunguska disaster? It is also possible that the Canadian meteorite lies in some private collection and still keeps a secret, decryption of which could radically change the course of our history the planet. Of course, for the better …