Candidates for the flight to Mars is becoming smaller

The candidates for the flight to Mars is becoming lessA photo from open sources

Red Planet Colonization Project – Mars One Attracts Many earthlings. Initially, “hot applications” for participation in it were submitted by more 202 thousand comers. Several stages of screening have passed – and here now there are one hundred candidates left.

Four of these current hundred candidates will go down in history: they become the first people on the Red Planet. Official site of the project reports that the next screening was carried out on February 16.

A photo from open sources

An unprecedented flight of volunteer astronauts will take place before 2025g. Earthlings will be able to follow the life of the four finalists in reality show format. Newly arrived Martians will settle in a small camp, where they will live and work. Return home to earth they will not be able to.

Today in the hundred best: Americans – 39 people, Europeans – 31, Asians – 16, Africans – 7 and Oceanians – also 7. The age range of candidates is from 20 to 60 years. Number of men and women equally.

A few days ago, The Guardian was introduced a documentary with the big title “If I Die on Mars.” IN several Martian candidates say that prompted them to prefer an uninhabited planet to their native Earth.


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