China creates an artificial moon designed to replace street lighting

China is creating an artificial moon designed to replace street lightingA photo from open sources

Chinese scientists have embarked on a very ambitious project, called to revolutionize street lighting and forever change the view of the night sky over the Middle Kingdom.

If everything goes according to the plan of the researchers, then in two years the first man-made moon in the history of mankind will shine over China, artificial reflecting sunlight satellite. Thanks to this, in many parts of the Asian country it will disappear the need for street lights.

It is reported that the brightness of the artificial night light will be exceed the brightness of the real moon almost nine times. Diameter The reflective disk will be adjustable and can range from 10 to 80 kilometers. In this case, the light from the satellite does not bother animals and people, since its brightness should be comparable to twilight. In other words, the darkness of the night in many densely populated regions of the People’s Republic of China will be replaced by twilight.

Representatives of the Space Systems Research Institute, working on this futuristic project, they say that All technical conditions for the implementation of the idea are ready. The main problems in the construction of the man-made moon should be its high cost, the complexity of mounting mirrors and satellite output to orbit, as well as the need to somehow protect the device from space debris. However, the Chinese are determined to overcome each of these obstacles.

Meanwhile, many international scientists reacted to this venture. Chinese with considerable skepticism.

So, Ivan Moiseev, head of the Russian Institute space policy, convinced that the project is incredibly costly and hardly feasible. According to the expert, at its current stage humanity is simply not capable of creating such a complex construction. Once in our country they were already offering to cover similarly polar regions, however, domestic scientists then everyone calculated and quickly realized the impracticability of such venture, abandoning her. Since then, the world in space exploration, certainly moved forward, but not so much so that to carry out such fantastic projects …

Independent researchers and conspiracy theorists also spoke on about this, and here is their opinion:

The idea of ​​creating an artificial moon is not new, since familiar to us “natural” Earth satellite – Selena, most likely also man-made education. Another thing is who, for what and with what level of technology carries out such ambitious projects. Explicit the impracticability of Chinese is an excellent indicator of the level of development of our civilization, which in space exploration does so far only first nursery steps. With this, ambitious plans have nothing to do with it. plan do not change, for example, the statements of Elon Musk on the flight to Mars doesn’t mean that someone will fly there soon, and if will fly, it will certainly get alive to Red planets …

China moon

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