China does not want to send astronauts to The moon

China does not want to send astronauts to the moonPhoto from open sources

Having landed on the moon an automatic space probe, China, as many expected, should attempt to ship to Earth satellite of their brave astronauts. However, for some reason, China in a hurry to do this.

As stated recently the general designer of programs like manned flights Zhou Jianping, currently China is not plans such large-scale steps in space exploration and the attractive moon in particular, since it requires large costs and the creation of new equipment, to which the country has not yet ready.

This statement has caused some perplexity, and even suspicion that Zhou Jianpi was not quite frank, citing technical difficulties: Is China afraid of them? Moreover, the PRC has recently been striving to be in everything first, and suddenly such a statement …

There is speculation that Chinese scientists using their artificial apparatus found on the moon something like that, why revised their plans. Perhaps this is due to aliens, which, according to many researchers of the moon, have long been chosen our companion for its transshipment base. Naturally, in this case the Chinese do not want to interfere with them or compete with them. This is not for you USA…

A photo from open sources

China Moon Time

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