Chinese lunar module watched aliens

Aliens Watched Chinese Lunar ModulePhoto from open sources

Chang’e-3 automatic interplanetary station sent the Chinese in December 2013 to the moon, chained then, judging by everything, the attention of aliens. China space agency spreads like NASA’s pictures from its missions on the World Wide Web, and now ufologists suddenly looked at one of these frames huge alien ship with greenish lights. Confuse this UFOs with something else are simply impossible.

A photo from open sources

The snapshot quickly spread across the Internet, riveting attention million users. Even if representatives of Chinese National Space Administration and first wanted to remove from of their official website is the image they published by inattention and which suddenly revealed to the public the truth about UFOs, now it’s too late to do it. Similar flying the device, by the way, was repeatedly found in images from US Apollo lunar missions, but NASA staff not afraid of public outcry and removed most of these photos as soon as they are talked about on the Internet.

A photo from open sources

Many famous ufologists claim that our earthly civilization constantly under the supervision of aliens. And when we launch spacecraft, aliens intently watching us. According to one hypothesis, according to certain for reasons they don’t want people to leave their home planet, because it is dangerous for us or inconvenient for them. Another theory says that aliens, on the contrary, expect this for many millennia. Perhaps humanity is just an experiment alien higher mind, and the “green men” cannot wait for the moment when Homo Sapiens, who once went to skins and fought with clubs, will fly to colonize others the planet.

However, there is another version – conspiracy theorists who claim that all space, including lunar missions of earthlings – clear water hoax that suit global illuminati. Today, many independent researchers sure that the Americans never flew anywhere, and even more so – to the moon. And all their lunar images, including those with “flying plates “and aliens in the background – sophisticated notions for more credibility. Maybe the Chinese have followed the path of the Americans? What, what, and they can coolly copy the Western world, moreover, more often in all, superior to Europeans and Americans in all respects …

China Moon NASA

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